Our Governors
Chair of Governors Welcome
On behalf of the Governors, I am very pleased to welcome you and your child to Heacham Infant and Nursery School. I hope that your child will be very happy here and that you will take advantage of the many occasions to visit the school for special days and activities. The school has good links with the community and a very effective Friends committee.
Governors have a responsibility to ensure that the school is well managed but the responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school rests with the Executive Headteacher. Specific questions about your child’s education should be taken up with their class teacher or the Executive Headteacher but, should the need arise, you can contact us as the Co-Chairs of Governors via the school.
We look forward to meeting at future school events.
Barbara Herring
Chair of Governors
Below you will find information regarding Heacham Infant School Local Governing Body. Please click on the drop-down menu to view:
The Role of the Governing Body
All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, and ultimately, to represent the school community.
The Governing Body works in close partnership with the headteacher, staff and the Academy Trust. Whilst the headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with teaching and learning.
Governors’ meetings are held once a term where governors monitor and evaluate the standards of teaching and learning and the impact that the school makes on children’s achievement and attainment. The Governing Body monitors how the school ensures that we achieve our national and locally set targets and the targets that we set ourselves.
Our Governing Body
Barbara Herring
Vice Chair:
Rachel Richardson
Louise Jackson
Paul Bland
Amanda Gibbins
Vicky Proctor
Kate Watson
Alic Taylor
Emma Hall
Emma Hunt
Miss Nicki Gay
Contact Details
Contacting Our Governors
To contact the Chair of Governors or any other member of the governing body, please use one of the methods below:
School Office: 01485 570357
You can contact our Clerk to the Governors via the following:
Email: n.gay@wnat.co.uk
FAO Miss N Gay
Clerk to Governors
Heacham Infant & Nursery School
School Road
Kings Lynn
Norfolk, PE31 7DQ
Governor Documentation
Please click on the links below to view the up to date Governor Documentation:
Overview of Governor Membership Includes:
- Responsibilities within the governing body
- Relevant links and business interests within the school and trust
- Meeting Attendance
Please click on the links below to view all Governor Documentation:
Overview of Government Membership 2023-2024
Overview of Government Membership 2022-2023
Overview of Government Membership 2021-2022
Overview of Government Membership 2020-2021
Governor Responsibilities and Monitoring Opportunities
Overview of Governor Membership 2019-2020 (Update as at 07 May 20 due to formation of a Joint Governing Body)
Overview of Governor Membership - 2019-2020
WNAT Board of Trustees
Responsibility for all the academies that make up West Norfolk Academies Trust and for providing education in those academies is entrusted to the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees have overall accountability for all the schools within the trust and manage all finances (including audits), premises and personnel areas, via subcommittees. Work is also delegated to our local governing body, whose assistance is greatly valued and supported by the Trustees.
For further information on our Board of Trustees, visit the West Norfolk Academies Trust website, Governance Page.
Become a Governor
Information on becoming a Governor at this school, or any other school within West Norfolk Academies Trust can be found in the Become a Governor at WNAT leaflet.
To register your interest in this school, or any of the other schools within the trust, please fill in the 'Become a Governor' form here.